
Showing posts from November, 2016

Doses and Effect of Vitamin Therapy

Vitamin Therapy One of the major medical trends today is the applications of vitamin therapy . Although offered mostly by independent alternative medicine practitioners, yet some doctors of advanced medicine also use it to treat very rare genetic conditions that show a positive response to heavy dosages of vitamins. These essential compounds are recognized as fundamental to have a great overall health, but they need to be supplied externally. The body can naturally produce only two types of vitamins, the D and K varieties. Normally, one would glean the recommended dietary allowance from daily nutrition, unless doctors prescribe extra doses to compensate for diseases caused due to their deficiency. Extensive clinical research concludes that they act at a genetic level in the cells, but it is still a subject of continued exploration.   How does it work? Essentially, the working mechanism involves a scientific understanding of how vitamins affect various health aspects. The pr